Catholic Charities Appeal
Hutt St Centre * Aboriginal Catholic Ministry * Our Lady of La Vang & St Patrick's Special Schools * Centacare Catholic Family Services
With your help Catholic Charities can continue to provide fundraising support for the agencies listed above, by helping to provide opportunities for:
- Empowering men and women dealing with complex issues such as homelessness, domestic violence, mental illness and substance abuse
- Reaching out to members of our community who may be lonely or isolated and welcome them into the vibrant Aboriginal Catholic Ministry
- Providing dedicated teachers at Our Lady of La Vang and St Patrick's Special schools
- Providing accommodation and respite care for adults and young people with intellectual disabilities
Each school has their own dedicated page on this website and you can help contribute to their fundraising for Catholic Charities by using the donate button located on their page. Go to the school tab at the top of the page and click on the school logo.
The 2023 Appeal Leaflet is below in proof form.
(Please note front cover features students for Our Lady of La Vang enjoying their La Vang vegetable patch).
You can donate to the Catholic Charities Appeal here.
You can see the latest Newsletter here.
(use the arrows on the right to navigate)